
Riding the Openwave on Edge GX

Riding the Openwave on Edge GX

Mark Seemann is Mobile Business’ applications reviewer extraordinaire. He joined Genesis as director of product marketing though the acquisition of Servelogic, where he remains CEO. He has 11 years’ experience in the ISP and telecoms sectors, having been a board level director for 10 years. Mark’s expertise is product design and marketing to the UK SME market.

If you have any comments or suggestions for Mark, please email him through the editor: hmclean@ mbmagazine.co.uk

Mark Seemann

Broadband and mobile operators have been trying to protect users from messaging abuse for years, not only to reduce the rising costs associated with fighting spam and viruses, but also to ensure customers remain with them, rather than switch to another service.

Real time protection

Spammers and hackers exploit the smallest of loopholes to reach users, so it’s critical that operators employ a comprehensive set of techniques that stops abuse closest to the source. Edge GX provides real time protection against all kinds of attacks.

The software has much to live up to, claiming to detect up to 70% of abuse without the need for more costly filtering. It has three levels of defence: network controls; content filtering; and end user controls, which means that current and emerging threats are all protected against.

Openwave partners with Commtouch and McAfee to offer a choice of content filtering solutions. These partners are proven to shrink the vulnerability gap for users from hours to minutes, a vital element, which will appeal to end users.