

Teenagers are highly responsive to mobile branding and marketing, according to research from mobile software provider Mobilitec.
No shocks there, but more interesting is the conclusion that the survey panel actually expected to come across mobile marketing when they accessed
specific content.
As Mobilitec CEO Margaret Norton put it, “We were surprised to learn that the teens wanted to be marketed to as part of the mobile experience. The Internet generation not only expects but wants to be reached with advertising and special offers that are personal and relevant
to them.”
The Mobilitec research panel only has a dozen members. But Forrester Research, which presumably deploys more resources in producing its reports, agrees with the conclusion. A recent study found that young adults use mobile data services more than others, which is hardly earth-shattering: but Forrester goes on to say “Marketers can reach this mobile audience by adopting new channels, like blogs, podcasts and the mobile Web … Young consumers are much more receptive to advertising than the older generations.”