
Exertis Take Resellers Through Samsung Strategy

Exertis resellers have benefited from learning the latest Samsung strategy around the vendors Voice and Wireless LAN portfolio.

A bespoke reseller partner conference was held at Loughborough University allowing resellers to see the latest product enhancements as well as applications specific to desktop CTI and CRM integration, Productivity, Mobility and Hospitality demonstrated live in an exhibition arena. Alongside the conference, a technical and product workshop was held allowing resellers to feedback to Samsung any product enhancements they’d like to see developed into the portfolio over the next 12 months.

John Bird, Head of Systems and Support Services at distributor Exertis explained “the event was the ideal opportunity for our resellers to learn how applications and the migration to IP endpoints will help resellers increase order values, increase customer retention & lock in and, most importantly, deliver truly bespoke solutions to meet any end users requirements. Samsung are Exertis’ largest vendor and their product portfolio penetrates almost every business unit and sales team within our business, from IT to Network Infrastructure, CCTV, Lighting, Print, Audio Visual, Mobile and Unified Communications”.

Bird continues “Samsung are the only PBX manufacturer to produce market leading mobile handsets and tablets, allowing Exertis to help our resellers deliver high end mobility solutions into key vertical markets such as hospitality, education and general office environments, delivering measurable increases in customer efficiency and productivity”

Exertis have seen Samsung UC revenue increase over 20% year on year in a market that is reported to be down circa 6% over the same period. Bird concluded “I’d urge any resellers looking to increase UC revenues to contact our VAD solutions team and we’ll explain how we can grow their business and educate their sales teams to understand the benefits of deploying Samsung solutions, backed up by our award winning, white labelled, professional services teams. After all, we are wholesale only and there is no other distributor who can offer the same depth of portfolio as Exertis when deploying Samsung solutions.”