
Mainline adds iPhone B2B and consumer stockists

Everything Everywhere distributor, Mainline Digital Communications, has increased the number of B2B dealers who can sell the iPhone. The comapny has also started to ship Apple iPhone’s to all of its m-viron dealers, for use in the consumer market.

Dealers appointed by Mainline are able to trade once they have completed the compulsory iPhone accreditation e-training module, said Mainline's director of dealer sales, Gail Hollinshead.

Hollinshead added: "The number and range of commercial apps available for the iPhone provides incredible added value in many specific business sectors. We're offering the iPhone at very competitive prices and are confident it will prove to be a deal winner."

Over 25 Mainline dealers are now authorised to sell the iPhone, but Hollinshead confirmed that the number of stockists would continue to increase in the future.

"We're looking for dealers with a history of sales success and proven service quality - dealers who are as effective in their own marketplace as Apple, Orange, T-Mobile and Mainline are in theirs," she said. “Becoming a stockist is a fantastic opportunity for our accredited dealers to grow their company and respond to the appetite within the business and consumer markets for the iPhone.”