
Mobile Centrex Solution from Gintel Deployed by Orange Austria

Networks & Network Services
Gintel announced today that Orange Austria has deployed the Easy Virtual PaBX to launch enhanced business voice services to enterprise and SME customers across the country.

Orange Austria selected Gintel to replace a legacy solution and deploy a robust platform for future growth. A key challenge was the preservation of existing service capabilities for current customers, while providing a platform for new and innovative services for the future. The solution is now in service and migration of existing customers to the new platform has been completed.

“Gintel demonstrated that they could easily replicate our existing service and integrate with our network”, said Andreas Lenz, Head of Direct Sales at Orange Austria. “We had to provide a seamless solution for our existing customers, so that they wouldn’t even notice the migration to a new platform”.

The solution adds many new and enhanced features to the current service, enabling Orange Austria to offer a complete Mobile PBX solution to its customers. The fixed line substitute service is now easier to use and business subscribers can now take advantage of full range of PBX features from their mobile handsets, increasing productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

The mobile landscape is extremely crowded in Austria, and enterprise and SME markets are set to become highly competitive as business users look for new services and ways to increase their productivity. Orange Austria is known for its pioneering approach to service launch and innovation, and it was essential to look beyond the current service offer.

“We want to be able to excite our customers and offer them new and innovative services,” added Lenz. “To achieve that, we need a platform that not only meets our current requirements, but also allows us to constantly evolve our service offer, ensuring that we maintain competitive advantage in our market. Gintel and the Easy Designer allow us to achieve that”.

“We are delighted to have worked with Orange Austria on a successful service migration and deployment” said Ernst Thue from Gintel, “The new features and capabilities will significantly enhance the offer for business subscribers. We look forward to supporting Orange Austria as they continue to evolve the service offer and prototype new features and services”.

Gintel’s flagship product, EasyVPaBX, is a comprehensive framework allowing operators to host and offer advanced virtual PaBX solutions for enterprises and SMEs. The fixed line substitute service lets each company control the behaviour of internal, outgoing and incoming calls to all employees, central switchboard and common numbers, adding functionality for both the caller and the end user in a creative way, without sacrificing each employee’s existing personal preferences.