
PhonepayPlus Registration Scheme opens

PhonepayPlus, the UK regulator of premium rate telephone services (PRS), today opened its new industry Registration Scheme.

The new PhonepayPlus Code of Practice was published on 30 March and comes into force on 1 September 2011. The Code requires that all Network operators and providers operating PRS in the UK are registered with PhonepayPlus. Details of how the Code rules on registration are being implemented can be found in this Notice to Industry.

PhonepayPlus has opened registration now in order to give all providers and their clients enough time to register their organisations before the Code of Practice and Registration Scheme come into force.

Network operators and providers who meet certain criteria and who wish to assist their clients with the registration process will be able to take advantage of a bulk upload service for pre-registering 50 or more organisations. Although these clients must still complete their registrations themselves, bulk uploads will help by significantly reducing the amount of time clients will need to take to complete registration.

PhonepayPlus will be launching this bulk upload service shortly, with further details outlined in the Notice to Industry. We will announce the process for submitting bulk upload requests in due course.

Further functionality of the Registration Scheme, including the registration of premium rate services to populate the Number Checker information service and the ability to carry out due diligence checks on existing and prospective business partners, will be released in the coming months, with relevant advice and information published at that time.