
Poor Web Performance Leave Tablet Users Less Likely to Make Purchases Online

Compuware Corporation, the technology performance company, today published the findings of the first global study of tablet users’ web experience expectations. The survey reveals that global tablet users have high expectations for web experiences and a third are less likely to make purchases online from companies that don’t meet those expectations.

Tablet users expect websites and transactions to work flawlessly. Their expectations have been shaped in part by powerful PCs with fast wired networks delivered by Internet leaders like Amazon and Google which are committed to delivering fast sites – no matter the platform.

However, the new global survey titled Engaging the Tablet User: What They Expect from Websites, reveals that four out of ten global tablet users have experienced a problem when accessing websites. Among those that experienced a problem, two-thirds reported slow load times, and more than four out of ten experienced website crashes or problems with website functions.

Key survey findings include that poor web experiences on tablets impact the bottom line. A bad website experience will also drive 46 percent of tablet users to competitive web sites; 35 percent are less likely to visit the problematic web site on any platform; and 33 percent are less likely to purchase from that company. Nearly half of tablet users will retry a web site only once or twice if it did not work initially.

Tablet users’ web experience expectations are high. Almost 70 percent of tablet users expect a web site to load in two seconds or less.

Website issues are common for tablet users. Among those who have experienced a problem, slow load times are the most frequently cited issue (66 percent), followed by site crashes (44 percent), problems with site functions (42 percent) and issues with site format (40 percent).

“Consumers and enterprises have embraced tablets in large numbers for everything from web browsing and social networking to mission critical business applications that increase employee productivity and drive revenue,” said Steve Tack, CTO of Compuware APM. “However, based on the survey results, companies are not meeting tablet users’ web experience expectations. Tablet users represent a coveted audience that in general tends to spend more per order, so organizations that ignore tablet users do so at their own peril.”

The Gomez platform is the industry’s leading solution for optimizing the performance of web, non-web, mobile, streaming and cloud applications. Driven by end-user experience, Gomez provides a unified view across the entire application delivery chain, from a user’s browser or mobile device, across the Internet or a corporate WAN, in the cloud, to inside the data center, eliminating blind spots from the First Mile to the Last Mile.