
Real-Time Mobile Search for Android

Networks & Network Services
A new way to search for information on an Android mobile device has been launched by UK specialist federated search company, Simplexo. The solution – Simplexo Locate for Android – enables users to simultaneously search a wide range of information sources from their Android Smartphone in a safe and secure way.

Now Android users are able to with a single-click: search all of their information. Even media files held on removable memory cards. With a single search users can get results from local files, SMS Text messages, emails, social networking sites, Exchange server, SharePoint and a lot more. One App and one search term can get emails from or to somebody with a specific word or phrase in, music files with a title of ... from this or that group.’ Intelligent federated’ searching available now.

The new app currently in Beta and is now available at the Google Apps Marketplace for download and testing on Dell Streak and Samsung Galaxy Tab devices. Simplexo Locate for Android follows on from the launch earlier this month of a Blackberry mobile search app.

Searching more than one information source can be time-consuming, especially when you're on the move. Results have to be manually collected, compared, and de-duplicated before full and accurate findings are available. Simplexo Locate for Android does the work for you with its unique and ‘intelligent federated’ search capability.

Simon Bain, CTO of Simplexo, stated: "Android users now have a real search app. To enable them to find and access all their information, both on and off the device."

"Furthermore, Simplexo Locate will not compromise corporate security policies," he added. "Simplexo Locate is the only mobile search application available today that does not rely on a Web interface. They are dedicated applications, which means that once the search is complete, information is scrubbed from the memory of the device, so there is no chance of data theft if that device is lost or stolen."

In common with the company's other federated search tools, Simplexo Locate eliminates individual searches on multiple data sources. It delivers the up-to-date information you need, on demand and in real time, without presenting unwanted results that waste valuable time.