
Use The Power Of The Network to Push Back Against Third Party OTT Players

Use The Power Of The Network to Push Back Against Third Party OTT Players Says Messaging Innovator Telsis

Mobile operators that deploy smart messaging services from the network, rather than solely via handset apps, will compete more successfully against third party OTT messaging.

That’s the blunt assertion from messaging innovator Telsis in the run-up to the Global Messaging World Congress conference in London, June 19 and 20.

In a briefing paper to be published on June 19, Telsis defines six ways in which services delivered from within the network are more effective in the fight back against third party OTT messaging than branded smartphone apps.

Ubiquity – Network services work on 100% of phones. Apps work on only some smartphones. Just three of the top 42 countries have per-capita smartphone penetration of more than 50%. This means that in 39 of the 42, operators deploying apps will deny at least half of their customers the benefits of smart messaging. The scale of the missed opportunity gets larger the lower the level of smartphone penetration a country has.

Continuity – Network services are always ‘there’, and require no downloads, even if a handset is replaced. In contrast, each individual app must be downloaded by the user. A replacement handset means a fresh download.

Ease of use – Network services are always behind the messaging button on any phone. Users don’t have to configure them and they can expect commonality of operation across every service. Apps present differently dependent upon software vendor, handset o/s and app type.

Value creation – Network services are provided by the operator, not third party software vendors or OTT players. They enhance working and social lives, strengthening the relationship between the network brand and its customers.

Availability – Network services such as archive to cloud or text to email operate whether or not target handsets are switched on or in coverage. In contrast, handset apps require target handsets to be reachable.

Differentiation – Network services allow operators to configure packages of messaging services to create a strong brand personality across multiple segments. In contrast, apps are chosen by individual phone users and only serve to reduce the operator to the status of a data pipe.

Telsis business development director Stuart Kelly says: “Operators looking to push back against the threat from third party OTT messaging need to carefully evaluate the two contending delivery models. As we show in our paper on hybrid smart messaging, we believe that the network services model gives operators a far better platform from which to challenge newcomers.

“End users want to be able to use messaging whatever device they happen to have to hand. SMS is the transport mechanism that uniquely positions operators to satisfy that desire. Messaging might present on a tablet or a smartphone via an app, or on a standard talk and text phone as a text. The key point is that the operator is able to leverage its network to allow universal trans-device branded messaging of the sort that the third party OTT players simply cannot match."

Telsis has delivered service innovations to communications service providers globally for almost a quarter of a century. The company’s solutions enable operators to generate more revenue, strengthen their brands, recruit and retain more customers, drive up Net Promoter Scores and increase profitability.

Telsis’ portfolio of services is backed by proven engineering skills, system integration expertise, and a deep understanding of human factors, all of which combine in solutions that enable operators to offer customers exciting and practical services with compelling real-world appeal.