Following the implementation of a combined IT solution from Avanquest Solutions and Xerox, the Council now electronically processes all faxes, printing and copying.
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council has pledged to fight climate change and to cut carbon emissions. They have signed and committed to the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change.
This move towards eco-friendly technology to streamline business processes and reduce waste leads by example and promotes environmental responsibility within the Borough.
Working in partnership with Xerox, Avanquest installed Captaris RightFax with Xerox MFD’s.
All fax documents are now captured electronically on the RightFax Database for easy retrieval if required. Users either send a fax directly from their Outlook or SAP client or from the Xerox MFD if a user needs to fax a paper document.
The Council’s 10,000 staff uses 3,500 PCs. There are now just 2 Xerox MFD’s on each of the 6 office floors supporting the reduction of paper documents within the office.