The move will no doubt increase competition for the products in the market place as hitherto, and for many years, Valcom had been distributed only by rival distributor Nimans in the UK
Rocom say that Valcom is the world’s largest provider of telephone integrated paging systems; providing solutions that can be easily and quickly added onto existing telephone systems because – uniquely - they utilise industry standard telephone cables. Valcom can also be used to provide multi site public address using VoIP on existing LAN or WAN.
“The time and cost saving compared to traditional public address systems, which require specialist-cabling installation, is significant”, says Tom Maxwell, Rocom Head of Dealer Sales. He adds:
“Dealers will be able to sell Valcom on the back of existing telephone cabling, complementing new and existing telephone system sales and further improving their communication networks. The simplicity of operation and total compatibility with existing and future telephone systems that Valcom provides has already made Valcom the preferred choice of many Fortune 500 companies. These products are so easy to sell and so easy to support that they fit perfectly with Rocom’s existing Portfolio of value add products and services”.