Sales & Marketing Director Richard Bligh said that the launches were ‘big deals’ for Gamma and that they formed part of an ongoing strategy to introduce more services based products for the channel.
“The launch of our inbound services portfolio moves Gamma on beyond fixed line and hosted IP telephony. We are introducing two new products, Contact Point and Contact Path, this month and a third, Contact Pro, will be available in March 2008.
Contact Point is a simple, easy to use inbound application for SME’s to see how well they are handling customer calls and is a web based application that provides inbound call information and statistics.”
Bligh sees Contact Point as having a number of unique selling propositions for the channel;
“Firstly, the stats are web based and in ‘plain English’; i.e., they are easy for the user to understand. For example. ‘How many calls did we receive? Are incoming calls growing? Secondly, the speed at which Contact Point can be set up for users – typically 48 hours means resellers can strike while the iron is hot.”
The third major benefit is the fact that the service works on geographic as well as non-geographic numbers. This means that users can have time of day routing. We are the first company in the UK to introduce this service with non-geographic numbers which will allow users to provide a choice on how to present a number for their own customers.”
Bligh says users will have a Gamma web site,, through which to manage their own call routing parameters and that the product is a great reseller proposition which provides for easy customer self service.
The second product in the new Gamma series to launch this month is Contact Path which is a multi-site version offering powerful call routing options and management statistics over a wider network of sites for users. Again, the product is web based for user self-service and configuration although resellers could provide the service for users themselves.
Due for release in Q1 2008 is Contact Pro which includes outbound calling management as well as call recording, IVR, ACD and a management information system (MIS) package.