ADC KRONE say that with carriers around the world moving DSLAMs (digital subscriber line access modules) out of the central office/local exchange and into thousands of outdoor cabinets, their new BroadwirePLUS xDSL splitter solution can cut the number of cabinets required by up to two thirds. This reduction potentially can result in significant savings in capital and operating costs.
The new breed of NGN (Next Generation Network) active outdoor cabinets will contain power supplies, batteries, fibre termination equipment for the broadband backhaul, cooling equipment, a copper-pair, cross-connection field similar to that currently found in outdoor distribution cabinets and a subrack housing DSLAMs and splitters. The splitters are essential to separate the digital broadband signals from the conventional voice telephone signals. Generally, because the splitters take up subrack space, there is only room for one DSLAM shelf limiting the outdoor cabinet to 48, 72 or 96 ADSL/VDSL ports.
ADC KRONE’s innovative BroadwirePLUS splitters are combined with conventional cross-connect terminations and simply mount into the cable head area. This opens up enough space for a second shelf of DSLAM equipment to be installed in the rack, immediately doubling each outdoor cabinet’s broadband/Triple Play capacity.
“The capacity gain can be even higher,” explains Dagmar Kaehler-Mueller, DSL solutions product manager at ADC KRONE. “In many instances, the greater DSLAM density achievable with ADC KRONE’s BroadwirePLUS splitter solution means that not every existing cross-connection cabinet will now need to be replaced with a NGN active electronics cabinet. Instead, where line lengths permit, such as in sub-urban situations, a single NGN cabinet can be located at the next up-stream distribution node feeding out over copper pairs to two or three existing copper distribution cabinets. This means that only one, instead of three, NGN cabinets would be needed.”