“Replay is a network-based product, making it unique in the marketplace. With no hardware to install, maintain, support or upgrade. Because of Replay’s flexibility and continued high quality performance, the channel is reaping the benefits of this product.
“Opal provides Replay with unlimited capacity for storage and the highest level of security,” Titchmarsh continued. “Replay can literally take any volume of capacity you want to throw at it, and it can store your calls for as long as you want, which is testament to why it is so popular in the financial services and travel industries.”
As a network-based offering, Titchmarsh believes Replay has many advantages over other products in the marketplace, in particular its simplicity and ease of use.
“Replay records calls network level – that is even before calls are passed through to staff, allowing companies to understand the whole of a customer’s calling experience. Replay can also record calls that are transferred to off-site extensions. Software version updates are made available for free, so the end user is always in possession of the latest technology. Replay boasts flexible recording options, massive storage capacity on RAID multiple archives, and the ability to record thousands of calls simultaneously.
Launched five years ago, Replay can be used to record all calls both inward and outbound from a number, or selected calls or extensions only, depending on end user requirement.
Its powerful web-based search engine allows calls to be found by searching for a number of options including the date the call was made, the time the call was made, the called number, the number that called in, call duration and the extension of the number that made the call.”
Replay is being applied to sectors that require call recording for compliance, such as the financial services arena. It is also being used for dispute resolution, particularly in the travel industry, which favours Replay’s call recording download and email forwarding feature, and for training purposes in call centres.
Opal say Replay is sold with a one off £3,000 connection charge per company followed by pay as you use charge based on cost per minute. End users pay £0.75 per minute to record a call and store it for 28 days. For companies that wish to store calls for longer periods of time, such as the finance sector’s requirements for seven year storage, end users pay £0.10 per minute per month, resulting in massive savings.
Titchmarsh concludes, “Both PBX-based and stand alone call recording systems involve large capital investment initially. In the case of PBX-based systems, that investment is lost when the PBX is changed over, and with stand alone systems, updates are often few and far between.”