The Arc system has been developed using the most up-to-date technology and promises greater flexibility, cheaper calls and a hassle-free transfer.
Already a handful of customers are benefiting from the first raft of installations and, as word spreads, The BusinessWatch Group is expecting unprecedented demand.
The technology is capable of answering every call so no-one hears the engaged signal or endless ringing.
“The system is proving very popular with medical and dental practices,” explained Jonathan Wakerley, Group Managing Director. “Our customer research showed that GP and dentists’ practices had real problems with volume of calls at certain times of the day.
“After endless attempts at calling, by the time they got through, patients were often pretty irate and staff suffered verbal abuse.”
Arc removes the chances of that happening by ensuring every call is answered irrespective of how many lines - or staff to answer them - a business has.
Callers then receive a comfort message giving them information, updates or advice until the switchboard is free and their call can be answered in person.
“It’s a brilliant system which puts the customer first,” said Jonathan. “They pay only the cost of a local call.”
The system also offers outbound calls at a substantial saving as well as unlimited broadband and reduced line rental charges.
“The beauty of the system is that there is no need for our customers to change their phone lines - in fact we can remotely install Arc,” said Jonathan.
“And the system is backed up by our specially-trained maintenance, customer service and support staff.”