Tiscali Wholesale Line, Voice and ADSL (WLVA) is a wholesale, fully unbundled service based on the company’s own Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) capability in BT exchanges. With Tiscali WLVA, resellers are provided with the line, full traditional voice services and an ADSL based data connection - all in one product.
“WLVA is the equivalent of taking the Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) service, Carrier Pre Select (CPS) and an ADSL connection all in one package, but with Tiscali providing the total capability. Resellers do not need a relationship with BT for this or any other part of the WLVA service,” says Nathan Francis, Managing Director of Tiscali Business Services. “The benefit to end users is that their experience is exactly the same as with the services they’ve taken in the past, but at potentially lower tariffs. The benefit for resellers is that they can be as creative as they like, offering differentiated products to customers by expanding and diversifying their product portfolio.”
The ADSL component of the service is initially available in Standard and Business grades of service with the option of enhanced care. Current product speeds range from 512Kbps to Max grade services.
The voice service is offered with a range of telephony features suitable for businesses and consumers. The line is provisioned with virtually all features enabled, allowing resellers to develop their own product bundles tailored to their customers.
And as well as creating their own product range, many of the features come free of charge. Coupled with highly competitive call rates, this offers resellers the potential to provide competitively priced products while still increasing their margins.
WLVA is delivered over the Tiscali Core Network which is based on the latest Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology. This provides the ability to carry the next generation of data products, for example IPTV and telco grade voice services. Current product speeds range from standard 512Kbps services up to business-grade Max services with Enhanced Care and Static IP addresses.
The product roadmap will see the introduction of ADSL 2+ services offering speeds of up to 24Mb as they become available. Tiscali will also be investing in Wholesale Broadband Connect (WBC) as BT rolls out its 21st Century Network, to complement its own build network which now covers more than 50% of the enterprise base.