“The 50 to 100 extension market is a particularly strong market for Toshiba in 2007. Sales have increased by 11% on this period last year, both in terms of the increase in revenue and number of units sold.
We attribute this success to the vertical-focused approach we have taken over the last year, providing our resellers with the bespoke tools to enable them to attack particular sectors. The verticals we have found especially active in the 50 – 100 extension market are education, healthcare, and insurance.
At Toshiba we feel there is a demand from customers for reliable systems, particularly for branch offices where a dependable connection is needed between sites. Looking forward, mobility will continue to be a key trend, and we’re expecting to see strong demand for WiFi handsets as fixed-mobile convergence environments really take off”.
Toshiba has two products in the 50-100 market, the CIX100 and CIX670.