"Unicom Calendar Girls 2008" will be shot behind closed doors at the company's Manchester HQ on Saturday, October 19, 2007 - while the models and organisers themselves have been keeping the calendar theme very ex-directory.
"That means it's going to fun and flirty, not 'X-rated'," said one of the calendar organisers, Nadine Adair, Contract Enquiries Manager at Unicom.
"There may be the odd button undone, and the occasional raised hem, but it is going to be tasteful and stylish - and we already have pre-orders for the finished article and donations amounting to well into four figures," said Nadine.
"We actually had no shortage of volunteers out of Unicom's 500 employees, so we'll have no trouble filling the 12 pages.
"The real challenge has been trying to keep the lid on the theme and content, because we also plan to stage a launch party to unveil the calendar - and we want to ensure there's a degree of curiosity and anticipation."
The money raised by staff and family members through sponsorships and sales of the calendar will be matched by the company.
Chris Earle, Operations Director of Unicom, said: "This is a fantastic idea demonstrating great initiative - and a tremendous level of concern over a very important issue. It is hugely creative and very brave of the girls to get involved. Unicom is absolutely delighted to support the staff in this sort of project."
Nadine said: "We agreed to support Breast Cancer Awareness Week because it is a disease that, one way or another, has touched most people in the business and local community.
"Every pound raised means that the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign is one step closer to ensuring that more and more men and women fully understand and appreciate the importance of staying on top of their health, and realising that in this day and age early treatment can have a massively positive effect."