
Cellcrypt Mobile Baseline Enters CAPS Evaluation

Networks & Network Services
Cellcrypt, provider of encrypted voice calling on mobile phones, today announced that Cellcrypt Mobile Baseline for BlackBerry is in CESG CAPS evaluation.

CAPS (CESG Assisted Products Service) is a UK Government Cryptographic Evaluation Service run by CESG, the UK’s National Technical Authority for Information Assurance. Achieving CAPS certification will allow UK Government departments to use Cellcrypt Mobile Baseline to meet their Baseline (IL3, RESTRICTED) security needs.

Cellcrypt Mobile Baseline is designed to provide end-to-end voice call encryption on commercially available off-the-shelf BlackBerry smartphones for UK Government. It is an easy-to-use software application that makes secure calling as easy as making a normal mobile phone call and uses the IP data channel of cellular (2G, 3G, and 4G) and satellite networks.

“Acceptance into CAPS evaluation is a significant step that further strengthens Cellcrypt’s market position,” said Richard Greco, CEO of Cellcrypt. “Approval by such a highly respected global leader in information assurance like CESG would be a powerful validation that Cellcrypt products have effective security that is properly implemented.”

Cellcrypt Mobile Baseline will be commercially available soon after successful completion of the CAPS evaluation process and can be demonstrated today.