
NewVoiceMedia Launch Managed Instant Messaging and VoIP Service

NewVoiceMedia has announced the launch of its Managed NVM Networker service, a service solution for secure instant messaging and free voice calls (SIP) within an organisation's private contact network.

The new NVM Networker service delivers all the benefits of a secure, auditable, end-to-end instant messaging solution and free SIP calls without laying out capital or tying-up other valuable resources.

Symon Blomfield, NewVoiceMedia’s Director of Presence Network Solutions, said, “Our research in the industry shows that many companies although aware of the benefits are holding off using IM because of authentication and security concerns with Public IM Networks and the cost of ownership connected with running their own. We developed the Managed NVM Networker to address these address these concerns and meet security and compliance requirements without the headaches of service monitoring, directory management and software upgrade management.”

For end users, NewVoiceMedia’s NVM Networker has the look, feel and ease of use of the free downloadable IM clients but provides the control and monitoring needed for highly secure communications within a company or industry community. NVM Networker's encrypted and authenticated communications via central servers and storage of all IM and other messaging are ideal for meeting compliance requirements Sarbanes-Oxley, FSA and other regulations.

Symon Blomfield said, “The NVM Networker service is ideal for reducing costs, improving productivity and giving organizations a competitive advantage – especially if they are trading internationally or run multi-site offices. It is also the ideal solution for enabling business continuity communications or helping reduce carbon emissions by providing a viable alternative to business travel. Once we understand an organization's requirements, we can also tailor a range of custom solutions for sophisticated call handling and mobile networking integrated into the core IM service."