
NGD Europe Connects to Level 3's IP Network

Next Generation Data (NGD) announced recently the availability of an on-site connection to the Level 3 Communications global IP network at its NGD Europe tier 3+ carrier-neutral mega-data centre, near Newport, South Wales.

“We are very pleased to connect to Level 3’s global network, further expanding our high-speed low latency connectivity options at NGD Europe,” said Nick Razey, CEO, NGD. “Level 3’s Pan-European connection combined with both its unique transatlantic solution and widespread North American network offers an end-to-end and seamless service to our UK and global customers.”

“NGD Europe is a world-class carrier-neutral data centre, and as they now connect directly to Level 3’s global IP network, reaching more than 55 countries, they will be better able to serve their end-users’ increasingly global and data-intensive demands,” said James Heard, Regional President, EMEA, Level 3.

NGD Europe provides diverse and resilient high-speed metro, nationwide and international connectivity, including non-London transit alternatives, through a broad and continually growing portfolio of carrier and internet service provider (ISP) solutions.