
NSN Report Cloud Profit

New Star Networks say that their Partner commitment and customer relationships have been a major influence in their latest growth results. The firm have reported a margin positive 4th year of trading and a run rate of approx' £3.6 Million per annum and growing.

According to MD Mark Shraga "What is truly exciting is that we have barely begun to tap into the full potential of our core strengths and the emerging market where everything is becoming Cloud-based, or as it is increasingly known: 'infrastructure as a service'.

"Subsequently our successful move into the Cloud arena over the last 18 months has reinforced our Partner/Customer centred business model and produced our latest market offering: The NSN Cloud Advantage.

"The model is an exciting one and promises to accelerate our penetration of the market place and bring to fruition so many of the promises the Cloud has to offer to the Small to Medium market place."

According to one industry provider of wholesale connectivity, businesses are expecting an average of 40% of services to be 'cloud-based' over the next 12 months; if this is even half true then the road ahead will be an exciting one indeed for the NSN Team.