
Servassure Helps Loosen the Grip of a Tightening Market

Following on from Servassure’s successful Channel Launch at Kempton Park in January 2008, Servassure hosted another well-attended seminar held at London’s prestigious One, Aldwych Hotel on the 14th of January

Peter Orr, Servassure’s Sales Director introduced the “Do More, with Less” theme by reviewing a successful performance in 2008 in the context of the economic downturn, saying “Our Channel Business has grown exponentially with 45 new partners signing up during the course of the year”. Orr explained, “In the current climate, resellers need more than ever to broaden their portfolios while managing overheads just to survive – that’s why Servassure will be an integral part of many resellers’ businesses in 2009.”

To strengthen the team for 2009, Ian Massingham has been appointed as Business Development Director for Servassure’s Channel Business. With over 20 years in the industry, Ian brings with him a wealth of knowledge and will be fundamental to Servassure going forward. Servassure expects significant growth within its Channel Business in 2009 and Massingham explained how the business had geared up to meet this opportunity, “We recognise the need to make doing business with us as straightforward as possible” he said, adding that “We have invested in strengthening our Channel Account Management Team to ensure we meet resellers’ expectations”.

Aastra and Dynamic Solutions also presented on their outlook for 2009, and working with Servassure. Henry Barnard, MD of Dynamic Solutions explained how their “Ask Seymour” virtual PBX/LAN engineering software can optimise resellers’ maintenance incomes and win new business, while reducing engineering overheads. Aastra’s Sales Director Paul Johnson recognised the challenge faced by resellers in adopting new products stating that “Servassure offer Aastra (and the reseller) the opportunity to take a ‘Sales Led Approach’ into the market place without the burden of engineering overheads.”

Ty Gardner, MD of Comms-Solve Technologies explained his experience of working with Servassure, saying “I had spoken to a number of potential service partners but concluded very quickly that the Servassure offering was the best in the industry. The overall package is great – all of a sudden I have nationwide coverage, back-up and support in gluing together the applications I am providing. ”

Peter Orr wrapped up the afternoon by launching Servassure’s 4 “Fast Track” programmes for Q1 ’09 which are aimed at providing partners with a real boost to sales. Partners were also advised of an individual incentive programme which runs through 2009. “In what looks like a challenging year, it is more important than ever to incentivise and reward your staff” explained Orr.