
Miller Hails Margin in Call Recording

According to David Miller, Sales and Marketing Manager, CommSoft Software Solutions, reseller sales people are now starting to recognise the margin opportunities that can be enjoyed through the sale of voice recording solutions.

“Whether the requirement is driven by the need to be compliant, the need to deliver incontrovertible evidence of agreements made in telephone conversations or the desire to enhance quality, call recording is something that companies buy rather than having to be sold.

24/7 call recording cannot be sold as an impulse buy. In the current climate where capital budgets have been slashed, a customer will often know that they need recording and hence not be surprised when a sales person quotes several thousands of pounds for the solution. This is great news for sales people as the higher the overall deal value, the higher the potential retained gross profit and therefore the fewer deals that need to be done to hit target. CommSoft now offer achievable 50% gross margins on the CommsOffice Voice range of call recorders which can make a significant contribution towards monthly gross profit targets. The prices for trunk and extension side recorders are being steadily driven downwards with the CommsOffice Voice now starting from as little as £2,400 for an analogue line recorder.

When justifying the investment there are a number of key areas which should be highlighted when discussing call recorders. The whole investment is often measured by the ability to find that one call that came in three months ago. It’s imperative to find the call easily and quickly. It’s essential to know that the call was recorded and that you can find it without having to spend a day wading through archived DVD’s. Storage should be calculated and addressed so that recordings are available but safe in the event of the unforeseen.

Although most recordings will never be used in court, law states that the recording must be untamperable. The best way is to have a recorder that has a proprietary and secure file format. The CommsOffice Voice uses a proprietary .wav format which carries an audit trail of the history of file usage. It will record the instances when a recording is saved or e mailed as a standard .wav format.

PCI compatibility generally refers to the ability to mute the recording in scenarios where credit or debit card details are being taken over the phone."