Percentages of multi-screeners are highest among companies with under 50 employees, at 63 per cent, and lower in companies of 50 to 500 employees (45%).
The survey also found that 39 per cent of employees are using company mobile devices. In companies with under 50 employees, company-provided mobile device usage is highest at 75 per cent. In companies with 50 to 500 employees, around 40 per cent of employees have company mobile devices.
It is not unusual for UK companies to provide their staff with mobile devices, with 42 per cent citing this as protocol, compared to 34 per cent of US companies.
Thirty-four per cent of employees work outside the office or travel on a regular basis. Again, that number is higher among the smallest companies – at 50 per cent, versus around 35 per cent for companies with 50 to 500 employees. France and UK businesses have the highest number of employees that work outside the office regularly, with 43 and 40 per cent respectively.
“Today’s workplace is less about a desk at the office, and more about accessing and sharing information from anywhere, with any device, at any time,” says Pekka Usva, vice president, Corporate Security at F-Secure. “Productivity depends on smooth synchronisation and cooperation between people wherever they are. F-Secure provides security for the changing corporate environment and its devices, as well as content collaboration services for the fast-paced corporate world. Because a company’s unique ideas need to be protected yet still accessible.”
F-Secure’s unique content collaboration solution for SMBs will be launched soon, enhancing productivity and flexibility so businesses can meet the demands of the future.