The Covid-19 crisis initiated a dramatic change to the working world almost overnight, bringing a level of uncertainty and complexity, with the need to transform many elements of business practices. There are a number of factors organisations should consider when adopting a new way of hybrid working. By implementing the correct communications technology solutions, business resilience can be rapidly assured – not just for now, but also as we adapt for the future.
Digital business transformation and remote working has resulted in increasing volumes of application traffic per user, as high as 700 per cent, which has put networking infrastructure under significant strain, both at the user end and in the cloud. This has increased the requirement for network performance and resilience to ensure a quality user experience and business continuity. This is where 4G and 5G connectivity data services can add a reliable and cost-effective backup connectivity option, or even primary internet access where fixed line access isn’t possible. With supplementary connectivity for resilience via the form of business grade 4G/5G with quality-of-service technologies, business traffic can be separated from consumer streaming, and prioritised accordingly.
Until now, the shift towards remote working had been a gradual process. But with this unexpected Covid-19 crisis, businesses have had to rapidly adapt and roll out these services to entire workforce populations at speed to operate as close to ‘business as usual’ as possible. Yet, many businesses struggled to get full unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) solutions in place. These elements are essential and will also be an integral part of the future business environment. But in order to offer the best user experience, the foundation of UC solutions needs to be excellent, stable and high performing internet connectivity.
Additionally, it’s more important than ever for organisations to invest in the right security systems and educate their employees about the signs of possible threats. Some businesses have had to implement a BYOD (bring your own device) policy, but without the same corporate security protocols, personal devices can expose organisations to dangerous external cyber threats. Whether your data is held in the cloud or on a physical server, businesses need to take action to ensure they have secure access to their stored information. A key defence for organisations to consider is a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) software license which can overlay any network infrastructure and secure access to applications, devices and even personal social media accounts.
The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated how resilient and capable businesses are to deal with unique challenges and to transform their offerings. We have seen manufacturers re-tool to produce much needed medical supplies such as PPE and restaurants stopping table service but embracing home delivery. In order to make this shift successfully, and to maintain resilience in the long-term, businesses need to make the necessary changes to support this transformation and maintain continuity. The tactics employed in the business plan include rapid connectivity deployment, increased internet quality / throughput, and the addition of connectivity infrastructure resilience.
Many companies weren’t prepared for a shift in business structures, operational procedures and modelling. This lack of preparation puts businesses at a severe disadvantage if they don’t get the right tools in place. Working with a provider that can support you during these unpredictable times means that you have the reassurance that the right tools are in place to provide a reliable foundation for your business. Be that 4G, hardware, ISP services or security, they can be tailored depending on the specific need of the business – either on a temporary or permanent basis. Organisations need to prepare now to not only adapt to the new way of working, but also future proof their businesses for life post-Covid-19.