"Kelly is extremely friendly and clearly knows her stuff. It’s been like having an extra member of staff on the team and makes a refreshing change to be dealt with efficiently, courteously and to receive products on time and at the right price … I am consistently made to feel like one of Kelly’s most important customers
Richard Jones
Director, J.W.Jones & Son "
Q How long have you worked for Unique?
Six years.
Q What was your first paid employment?
Waitress. I’ve always enjoyed working with people.
Q What made you move into the mobile phone industry? I enjoy the fast pace and the challenge of new technologies, and I like building new relationships.
Q What is the best aspect about your job? Customer satisfaction, without a doubt. I also love it when the majority of incentive winners are my customers.
Q What is the worst aspect? One of my customers missing out on an amazing incentive prize by just one place!
Q What is the best sales incentive you have ever won? A Ferrari 360 for a weekend.
Q If you could suggest an incentive what would it be? Get your mortgage paid off. Shockingly practical but honest!
Q What do you like most about the mobile industry? The people, and how the industry is constantly changing and presenting new challenges.
Q What do you like least? The decrease in specialist independent dealers, the people who are so valuable in comprehending and demonstrating converging technologies and applications.
Q If you could change anything about the industry what would it be? Consumer appreciation of the value of handsets by dispensing with network subsidies. Mobile devices are incredible pieces of technology and I can’t think of another industry where the perceived value is so low for something that delivers so much.
Q If you could design a mobile handset what functions would it have? A teleport function so I could have a face to face video call with my customers’ while lying under a palm tree in Antigua!
Q If you could capture any image and send it as a picture message what would it be, who would you send it to, and why? Jonny Wilkinson’s drop goal to bring the rugby world cup home. I would send it to everyone I know, plus the whole population of Australia!
Q If you were a mobile phone what would you be and why? The Nokia 6230i. It’s professional with a few cheeky features and the classic 6 series stays around for almost as long as I do.
Q What handset do you currently use? W800i. I’m very excited about the Walkman range – the features are outstanding and downloading music
is a doddle.
Q If you were a ringtone, what would you be and why? The A-Team theme.
Q Who inspires you and why? Ellen Macarthur; she is so determined to achieve her goals and does whatever it takes.
Q What ringtone do you currently use? Nirvana, "Smells like Teen Spirit".
Q What is your favourite game on your mobile phone? The old classic – Pac Man.
Q What would your dream occupation be? Masseur for the England Rugby team.
You need to ask why?
Q What do you think about being awarded DM of the month? I think it’s brilliant because the recognition makes all of
the hard work worthwhile.
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