Whichever way you cook it we are now in a post-PC era. Most people in the business world will carry a smartphone and will use that to perform a number of tasks throughout the working day. F-Secure has launched Freedome for Business to tackle the unprecedented number of unsecure devices which lurk on company networks and contain sensitive information.
The app is fairly easy to install for users and just takes a few minutes to set up. It can also be used across a range of devices with iOS and Android platforms.
Freedome for Business is similar to the consumer version of Freedome in terms of its basic protection services but with some valuable extras. For a start, the business version is only available through Protection Service for Business partners and resellers. F-Secure have made it easy for partners to order products through their partner portal too.
Functionally, the differences can be summed up in the table below. Where Freedome for Business excels is with its MDM (Mobile Device Management) features.
IT managers can use the device management features to centrally manage smartphones in their estate via a cloud based portal. Through the portal administrators can control apps downloaded to the device, data stored on the device, wipe data, lock devices, control internet browsing, and even update smartphones all from the same place.
The portal gives an overview of the entire device landscape in the organisation along with items that need attention. For example, a rebellious member of staff may not be towing the line and remove the software. Instantly the dashboard in the portal will show there is a deployed device which is not under management. It also gives device status and application status information which all helps to keep security breaches at bay.
F-Secure have a long heritage in the security space yet outside of the tech market you may not have heard of them. For me, F-Secure has developed a really intuitive and easy to use product here which could be used and managed by pretty much anyone with a basic understanding of a smartphone.
This point is key, malware reports are rising at approximately 600% each year and not every business contains an in-house IT Manager, especially smaller SMB type organisations. However, by making a simplistic app and portal just about anyone could be given the responsibility of looking after a mobile fleet. This could give F-Secure real reach into the market and also allow partners to get their heads around the proposition with ease. For those partners that aren’t sure about the whole mobile security play, I would recommend having a look at their consumer app first.