Midland Communications Distribution recently announced their new fulfilment service; ‘MCD Connect’.
MCD Connect has been created to be more than just a next day delivery to end user service, ‘all dealers need to do is close the sale, MCD Connect will do the rest!’ says Peter Liley...
MCD have heavily invested in the development of this web browser based system offering an end-to-end service allowing distance sellers to capture application details, access their virtual warehouse, view their tele-canvassers performance and produce a variety of statistics to assist them in building future sales strategies. Real-time tracking functionality allows the dealer to remain in complete control of the end-to-end fulfilment process. IMEI, SIM and consignment tracking are all available to view once MCD connects a handset on behalf of the dealer.
The real time tracking also incorporates all disconnections, providing the business partner with information on all the handsets that require returning in order to minimize stock loss and helping to maximise profitability.
All MCD Connect Partners benefit from a competitive package of support and advice to help identify opportunities, and create increased revenue streams within the volume based distance selling sector. Their multi lingual, state-of the-art contact centre is the support hub of their effective operation and support team.
Midlands sales manager Peter Liley says that distance selling connections now account for over 50% of the business mainly due to the highly professional service provided by MCD connect which allows the business partners to concentrate on sales.
This service is provided at £10 per handset which includes connection, business partner insert, despatch, and access to real time tracking.
For further information on this service email Peter Liley peter@mcdlimited.co.uk