I wrote the weekly newsletter last Friday but events this weekend demand that I have another go at it.
I’d written about the need to update our whole voting process in the UK and a move to on-line voting. I’m still going with the on-line subject but instead focussing on the greater issue of social media platforms and their role in protecting our society.
To all liberals out there I have to say, ‘I hear what you’re saying about privacy but…’
We went out for a meal last night and our young host, she’s 21 and finely tuned and versed in the arts of social media, said, and I’ll paraphrase, ‘we’ve got to do something about this, it’s getting crazy’. The room agreed.
The debate is raging in the UK over how best to balance public safety, privacy and free speech after our third major terrorist attack in as many months.
Ahead of the election this week, Prime Minister Theresa May pointed her finger at U.S. tech companies, accusing them of not having done enough to weed out extremists in cyberspace.
Have they done anything?
"There is, to be frank, too much tolerance of extremism in our country," she said after seven people died and nearly 50 others were injured in the attack Saturday night in the heart of our capital.
"We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed," May said. "Yet that is precisely what the internet and the big companies that provide internet-based service provide."
Some might say ‘knee jerk’ and the Libtards will start crying foul.
All I know is that we can’t do nothing.
Dateline 5 June 2017