Your footprint in Essex has increased over the last year, why Essex and is the roll-out now complete?
NextGenAccess has been working with ASELA (the Association of South Essex Local Authorities) for two years to deliver a Public Sector Fibre Infrastructure across the ASELA Region from Government grant funding and with a view to realising a public sector network across the region.
By the end of March 2022 the infrastructure will extend to over 200Km of fibre spine and have connected up over 200 public sector sites.
The spine network is complete, and we are just connecting the last of the public sector buildings to the network. The connections into key BT exchanges in the area are live and the backhaul services to Telehouse are on order.
So how does this benefit the people of Essex and the channel?
Poor digital connectivity has been holding back growth in Essex for years and NextGenAccess worked closely with ASELA to ensure that there is plenty of spare capacity on the network to deliver services to businesses and ISPs alike.
The network has been built with access in mind, with plenty of breakout locations to serve business parks and other key locations.
This means our current and future channel partners, ISPs and ‘Altnets’ now have easy access to profitable new business opportunities in the ASELA region with the ability to differentiate themselves by focusing on delivering higher value services to business and consumer customers.
They don’t need to PoP the exchange themselves to get much improved pricing while also keeping control over adding their own layer 3 offering. If required, they can use our Ethernet to NNI model initially to build customer base prior to PoPing the exchange themselves and switching to a dark fibre alternative.
Where else are you expanding your network and why should channel partners choose NextGenAccess?
We deploy network across the UK wherever the demand takes us. We are currently completing projects in Manchester and Liverpool but we also build speculatively in areas that we see as key strategic locations for example London (obviously!).
We also build strategic routes to key Data Centres to improve connectivity and diversity, for example the 60km route from Bristol to Newport to connect Vantage CWL-1 (formerly NGD Data Centre) via the motorway bridge over the River Severn.
The key reasons to partner with NextGenAccess are that we are a wholesale-only business and we address the needs of our customers with innovative solutions. This may be in terms of the product offering, where, uniquely, we offer a Dark Fibre alternative to the Openreach suite of lit fibre products, forever breaking the relationship between cost and capacity.
This means the channel partner can turn the speeds up for their customers without increasing the price they pay to us. This may also be in terms of the commercial offering where we will give our partners ownership of the network asset should they require it which may have significant impact on their valuation and/or access to capital.
Get in touch for an initial chat on 020 3126 6521 or hello@nextgenaccess.com