
Ant Keeps Worcester on the Boil

Call Services

Bosch Group firm Worcester is benefitting from selecting Ant Telecom to install and maintain their Avaya Aura contact centre communications system.

Worcester is the market leader in domestic heating and hot water systems and part of the worldwide Bosch Group. The Worcester organisation was founded in 1962, employs more than 1,400 staff at its headquarters and manufacturing plants in Worcester and Clay Cross in Derbyshire, and is committed to high standards of customer care with large customer service and award-winning technical support teams, and 300 service engineers across the UK and Ireland.

Worcester employs 150 customer service and technical support staff, spread across three different departments including; Technical Support, Internal Sales and the main contact centre. Each of these employees has external communication with customers on a day-to-day basis, requiring a flexible and reliable communications solution.

The Business Systems Senior Analyst at Worcester comments, “We have a contact centre that is responsible for taking calls from a broad customer base, whether that be someone who requires an engineer, someone that requires technical advice or a new customer. As such, our associates have a wide range of skill sets and technical expertise. The contact centre communications system is incredibly vital to us and to our customer service; our customers need to be able to access us in the easiest way for them possible.”

Flexible approach

Worcester wanted to work with a company that could provide a tailored, flexible and personalised service.

18 months ago, Worcester implemented a PBX solution from ANT Telecom in its Internal Sales Dept, which is also integrated with the company’s CBX call centre software. Since implementation, the team at Worcester has witnessed a huge improvement in its reachability – the total number of calls answered - due to the flexibility and visualisation within the system.

Sonia Clarke, Office Manager at Worcester comments, “The Avaya Aura system provides us with a real-time visibility of our phone statistics. We are now able to identify when one area of the department is becoming particularly busy, and dynamically reallocate our resources accordingly – simply by prioritising a certain skill set in their agent profile.”

She adds, “This flexibility within the system is key as we are also based across two locations. The ANT solution allows individuals to log onto any of the workstations and carry out their day-to-day work where they are most needed in the business. Previously, our phone system was very static and didn’t allow us to do this. The ANT Telecom solution allows us to react very quickly and ensure our resources are used in the best possible way for the benefit of our customers.”

Tailored solution

The service provided by ANT Telecom did not end at implementation; instead, Worcester and ANT Telecom enjoy an on-going relationship providing maintenance, support and advice. The solution provided by ANT Telecom has provided Worcester with a variety of benefits that are helping them to provide on-going excellent customer service.

The Business Systems Senior Analyst also comments, “ANT Telecom has aided us not only with the implementation of our contact centre communication solution but also helped improve my knowledge and ability to support the solution. ANT always has ideas and solutions as to how we can develop things and are always open to our suggestions of how to improve the solution further.”

“Our contacts at ANT Telecom are very helpful and respond to our enquiries quickly. The team explain things in business terms and don’t try to baffle me with technology; they talk to me on a human level, we really do have a great working relationship.”