
Crystal Clear Telecom – Case Study


Crystal Clear Telecom ltd specialise in providing hosted telephone systems, and lines and calls from their offices in Bournemouth. As a family run business with more than 15 years’ experience within the Telecommunications industries adding Merchants Services to their portfolio was a natural evolution of their business.

Scott Gower-Smith said “We have a strict policy on no hidden costs and an upfront attitude to help all of our customers’ needs. We had been approached by our customers a number of times about Merchant Services and were yet to find a provider that had the same ethos. That was until we spoke to NetPay. Their open and honest approach to how they do business, all of their pricing is transparent and their values are the same us.

As a telecoms provider Crystal Clear are often asked about providing customers with the whole solution, telephone lines and broadband are essential for any business to operate and the ability to take payments is also something that their customers were asking for. Until they spoke to NetPay and started offering merchant services to their customers’ Crystal Clear were turning away business that they could have otherwise provided.

The Solution

Crystal Clear initially took the NetPay service through its indirect partnership model, but soon evolved to the Wholesale model after attending the 2 day training academy. As with all resellers of NetPay, Crystal Clear are supported by their NetPay Account Manager, Customer Service and Marketing teams.

Carl Churchill, Managing Director of NetPay commented “Training is absolutely central to us bringing on board a new partner. The majority of those that express an interest in selling NetPay services either on an indirect or wholesale basis have not had a background in card processing but have some very clear opportunities to develop. The training takes card payment novices and allows them to emerge with some really comprehensive knowledge but more importantly puts them in a position to win business and make money.”

The Success

Scott commented “Our customers prefer to use us and will often ask if we offer other solutions that are not core to our portfolio, Merchant Services was one of them. By adding this solution to our product range we have not only generated lucrative revenue we have got even closer to our customers. “

We have earned over £30,000 to date in commission all of which can be put back into the business to grow our team and develop our services. With 159 customers now taking our services we have developed a closer relationship with them and are benefiting from multi-product penetration within our customer base, which is what every telecoms reseller wants to see as well as making our customers more loyal to us, ring fencing them from our competitors.” Scott continues.

Carl Churchill, Managing Director of NetPay said “We are delighted with Crystal Clears progress; they have embraced the capability and really focused on making it successful. As a result they have demonstrated the considerable opportunity for telecoms businesses to sell merchant services into their customer base. It’s a great product and a great retention tactic as part of a broader multi-product play, something that is essential to ensure continued success in the telecoms space.