
Devices - Apple Showdown

September was a HUGE month for mobile as Apple launched not just one, but two new devices. The iPhone 6 is finally here and it has a big brother, the iPhone 6 Plus. I don’t usually like to dominate proceedings with Apple products but with sales expecting to hit record numbers, again, it’s just too hard to ignore! Whether you think Apple deserves the label of business device or not you can guarantee employees all over the world will be asking for the new iPhone.

Apple iPhone 6

The iPhone 6 is an iteration that has undergone one of the biggest changes in form factor since we went from the 3S to the 4. The edges are curved and look like they have come straight from the iPad Air…but that’s not a bad thing. The screen is now 4.7 inches, up from 4 inches, and almost every aspect of it has been improved from resolution to power efficiency. It’s still not full HD but it is impressive none the less.

The iPhone 6 comes with iOS8 which isn’t

massively different to the last version but there

are some handy tweaks here and there which

many will enjoy. You can have a zoomed in view

(for those with sight issues), a reachability option

(for those with finger length issues), and more

interactive notification menu (for those with

memory issues). Maybe Apple are going after the

Seniors market?!

On the performance side of things there is a marked improvement; it has a faster CPU, better graphical power, stronger health sensors and a slicker and more intuitive UI. All this extra performance is complimented with a significant battery upgrade. It will go like the clappers for about a day and a half which will save me much brain power trying to remember my charger every time I step out of the office!

So what are the negative aspects to the phone? The price! In the UK, you’re looking at £539 for the 16GB version, £619 for the 64GB option and £699 for the 128GB model….Owch! The iPhone 6 Plus is even more!

Is this a great smartphone? Yes, it is probably the best phone Apple has released to date. If you can forgive some of the specs which don’t rival other offerings out there then you will be more than happy with it. It’s not really the phone that Apple is doing well at this point but rather the whole ecosystem that sits around it. That is a tough one to beat!


iPhone 6 Plus

So let’s get straight down to it… what is the

difference between the iPhone 6 and the 6 Plus? The biggest tangible difference is obviously the screen, it comes in at an eye watering 5.5 inches. After years of saying they would never join the phablet scene Apple have done a monumental u-turn with this device. . If you happen to have the hand span of Peter Schmeichel then you will find this device fits the hand quite nicely… however, for the majority of people this is going to be a two handed job!

Apple has ditched the 32GB variant for both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, with the next storage level coming in at 64GB, and for the 5.5-inch iPhone that will set you back £699. At the larger end, 128GB, it will cost you £789! So what does this extra cash get you aside from the screen…

It’s beautiful as expected but Apple has whacked more battery power into the device too which will please heavy users out there. It also comes with a full HD screen which is remarkable. It makes the iPhone 5S look like a fuzzy postage stamp!

In a lot of ways this device acts more like an iPad than an iPhone. It has handy features like being able to rotate the home screen and some of the apps (Calendar, Mail, and Messages) are adapted to run a dual pane layout like the iPad does.

Aside from the price the other sticking point is the storage options. Basically if you want more space you just have to pay for it upfront as there is no room for an SD card like in some other phablets out on the market.

So why should you buy an iPhone 6 Plus over the 6? You should buy it if money spent doesn’t matter and you want a bigger screen and better battery life.