Richard Herman, Retell’s MD takes up the story, ‘The information that a trunk-side recorder supplies is “trunk-centric”, whereas the CTI and SMDR output is “extension-centric”. So it is the role of call matching software to reconcile the two systems, and link “recordings” to the CTI output and “extension data” to the call recordings. When there are calls from withheld numbers, or when calls are regularly made to or received from the same number, then mismatches or false positives can occur. Generally speaking, these are considered very bad, worse in fact than not matching at all, since at best it undermines confidence in the system, and at worst causes security breaches.
To prevent mismatches further checks are made on possible matches. The main check is the trunk number. This detail from the CTI output is compared to the channel number of the recording to see if the two values line up. On some phone systems, the resolution of a match is only as good as the circuit (i.e. a resolution of “30 channels” in the case of PRI)’. SMDR is harder to match than CTI, but even with CTI on many switches it is logically impossible to make an accurate match without Retell’s new patented system.
Herman continues, “Our CLI Decoration feature provides a unique and logically 100% accurate way of matching calls, even when the CLI number is withheld. This is even more relevant for telephone systems that do not provide “channel information” through CTI or those with ‘phantom’ trunks like some Siemens systems and Nortel. The CLI Decoration adds a unique marker to each call and the PBX then outputs this unique marker via the SMDR or CSTA as the caller’s phone number and matches with the same marker from the trunk information’.
Steve Cobley, Head of Business Development at Retell said, ‘Customers expect 100% call matching, why wouldn’t they? Yet we are aware of call recording companies that return only a selection of calls, one of which might be the right one, and companies that get at best a correct match 90% of the time. CLI Decoration further strengthens the standards that we set for Sense and along with many unique features including a Voice Firewall, customisable welcome message, pause record for credit card security (by customer or agent) and Active Recording Module for BlackBerry mobiles makes it the ideal choice for discerning resellers.”
Not resting on their laurels Retell are set to launch a new extension matching system that sits between their trunk side system (Sense Essentials) and Sense Call Analyser Enterprise which has integrated call management. Sense Call Analyser Enterprise will include a new web link view in the wallboard, automatic rolling wallboard views and flashing/colour changing tiles to warn that pre-set parameters are reached. In addition screen popping and call control features are in the offing and Beta testing begins any day on further new enhancements.