Any interruption to the broadband connection would mean no EPOS, no card authentication, no CRM access (and no access to the corporate network at all). So business would stop. In order to combat this, networking company Billion has launched a 3G Wi-Fi router, the BiPac 7800GZ, that switches over to a 3G network in the event of broadband failure.
Billion says their 7800GZ systems are already under trial with leading retailers, bookmakers, restaurants across the UK in preparation for national roll-out.
The device is designed to be placed in each outlet of a retail chain, ready to switch over in the event of broadband outage and take full advantage of the 3G networks. Billion says that at around one third the price of traditional suppliers, Billion’s offering means chains can equip many more outlets cost-effectively.
Edward Kung, Managing Director of Billion in the UK says: “Everyone’s broadband connection goes down from time to time, maybe just for minutes but it can be hours, and for a retailer or any busy organisation this can be disastrous. By simply using Billion’s 7800GZ 3G-enabled device, it takes over without drama and provides peace of mind for network managers - giving enterprise-level performance at a fraction of the cost of a similarly spec’d Sarian or Cisco product.
“We’re seeing significant early interest from all types of retail organisations – from high street chains, to bookies, restaurants - as well as corporates.”