Andy brings a powerful – not to say explosive – set of talents to bear at 5i having been a systems engineer for nuclear weapons at the Ministry of Defence! More conventionally, Andy has done stints with Honeywell (IT systems), Reuters (service manager, responsible for 1200 staff) before progressing to Lexmark as IT manager.
Whilst at Lexmark Andy implemented an ambitious set of IT upgrades including an active directory rollout, a fixed-mobile convergence project and a large Cisco IPT deployment: that gave him the experience and knowledge for the 5i role.
“IPT and Unified Communications is at the forefront of innovation in the IT industry; it’s both intriguing and challenging, and very much where I wanted to be,” says Andy. “I became involved with 5i though our project at Lexmark, and I was delighted to be offered this opportunity.”
Andy’s immediate priorities are consultant recruitment, managing consultant training programmes and investigating and implementing new service desk and management tools.
“Andy’s experience of both vendor and customer environments is quite rare, and he compliments that with strong technical and managerial skills,” commented Peter Howells, managing director at 5i. “Andy’s appointment is a coup for 5i, our partners, and their customers.”