
8x8 Reveals VC and Call Centre Frustrations

Unified Comms
8x8 has revealed results from a survey conducted at the Enterprise Connect show last week. The survey asked show attendees (IT decision makers, system integrators, equipment manufacturers, and end users) their opinions on video conferencing, call centres, and cloud communications.

The findings shed light on respondents’ key pain points around communications and collaboration experiences, specifically:

•Cloud Communications: Security was the number one concern (35%), followed by quality of service (21%).

•Call Centres: Over half of the respondents said getting transferred from agent to agent, or having to repeatedly identify themselves were their chief aggravators.

•Video Conferencing: While poor sound or visual quality was the main frustration, connection issues and being asked to download an app were a close second.

The research echoes much of what is being discussed in the industry today, but more importantly highlights areas where vendors need to focus their efforts in delivering higher quality customer experiences– security, quality of service, and features across unified communications and contact centre, that deliver instant, continuous communications across devices and platforms, all integrated into a single application.

The survey was conducted between March 7-9, 2016 at the Enterprise Connect show in Orlando, Florida, and responses were gathered from a random selection of approximately 200 show attendees.