Partners were treated to an afternoon of exceptional food and drinks whilst overlooking some of London’s most iconic locations.
Adam Cathcart commented on the day, “Today is all about saying thank you to our partners, we want people to feel valued when working with 9 Group and it is an absolute pleasure to be able to introduce one of our brand ambassadors, Maddie, to the market. Her story is amazing, and it’s great that 9 are a part of her journey and success. We are about helping people succeed at 9, being able to support those partners with the right tools and services in order to thrive has been fantastic and is what has driven our own success too.”
Maddie gave guests the chance to hold her Olympic gold medal and regaled tales of her sporting exploits, shared her ethos and training regime. Partners left the venue with a true sense of what makes an Olympic champion, and a signed hockey ball as a keepsake.
Maddie commented “I am always delighted to be invited to work alongside the team at 9. Hopefully their guests enjoyed hearing about the highs and lows of my Olympic journeys and the benefits of being Free to Perform.”