Simon McVicker, Director of Policy and External Affairs at IPSE, said:
“The political engagement and the subsequent huge turnout in the Scottish Independence Referendum was inspiring to all of us who watched. We hope now that Scotland gets its new settlement and is able to proceed as a truly innovative and entrepreneurial country.
“Representing those who choose to go it alone in business means we understand more than most why it is so important to people that they have control of their own destiny. We also understand the value of working with others and the importance strong ties with key partners are to prosperity and success.
“The manifesto we launched last week contains a host of measures designed to help Government unlock the staggering potential of Britain’s self-employed. These measures are just as applicable to the Government in Edinburgh as to the one in Westminster, we will embark in dialogue with both.
“Policy makers in Holyrood and Westminster should take this opportunity to build a better environment for the growing number of self-employed people working across the UK. Their importance to the economy has never been greater than it is today.”