They’ve created an up-market clinic that’s a world apart from traditional dentist practices; in fact it’s actually a delight to visit. A particularly important area of consideration for the new clinic is communication. Not so much how the call is answered, but what happens if it isn’t answered or if it is and needs to be transferred; you can’t have patients getting lost in telephone space or worse being cut off. With this in mind, Hospital Lane specifically selected communications specialists Icom to give them a hand.
As an impartial, system provider Icom looked at the bigger picture of the practice and their requirements before suggesting a suitable system to implement. They recommended the Nortel Business Communications Manager 50, because it offers Hospital Lane a degree of flexibility, advanced voicemail functions and it would grow with their needs rather than replacing the system in the near future.
As well as ensuring that the telephone system was more than capable of fulfilling the requirements made on it, once the new premises were up and running, Icom appreciated that it was crucial to ensure patients remained oblivious during the switch over; it’s all part of that five star charm.
There has been a lot of hard work, but it has all paid off. They certainly wouldn’t look out of place in Hollywood, so it really is smiles all round!