Building on its existing One Number and AMC FMC solutions the AMC+ and AMCC provides the additional capability to support iPhone (as well as Blackberry, Android and Symbian) use along with the dual roaming. AMC+ provides automatic GSM to Wi-Fi handover and vice versa. This means that when a user comes in to their office the AMC+ and AMCC find the Wi-Fi network and the call is seamlessly transferred from the GSM network on to the Wi-Fi network reducing call costs.
Aastra says AMC+ has been designed to be easy to deploy and intuitive to use so that there are no barriers to its implementation, with the user downloading the AMC via SMS text, iTunes or Android marketplace, similar to any other phone ‘app’. Once installed AMC+ users make calls normally, but the calls will always be routed through the Aastra 400 Communication Server and out to the call recipient. In this way, the mobile users only have one external number for all devices and can access all system applications.
When receiving calls via a user’s landline office number, the Aastra call control manager routes the calls to the appropriate mobile phone. No user interaction with any applications on the phone is necessary. If the user prefers to not use the mobile extension feature for an outgoing call, the client application can be easily deactivated. The call is then set up as a standard mobile phone call.
AMC+ offers a range of new features by utilising the 3G data channel for fast call set up, original CLI presentation, ‘presence’ and IM options. Businesses that use AMC+ benefit from reduced mobile call charges by using the built-in Mobile Least Cost Routing or call-back functions that will determine transparently the most cost-efficient call method for each call, resulting in significant savings.
For Aastra UK and Ireland, Alan Reeve, Managing Director commented, “The Aastra 400 series of IP Communication Servers provides comprehensive UC solutions and this includes full mobile integration with one-number call routing. Aastra is the leader in this technology which provides our customers with complete control of mobile costs by routing calls through their Aastra 400 series Communication Servers on a policy based MLCR basis, saving money and providing management control.”