As one of the products main strengths, Brian Riggs, author of the Current Analysis report, cites, “The MX-ONE has particularly well integrated mobility software, with extension mobility being native to the platform, all telephony features being available on all types of mobile clients (DECT phones, WiFi phones and soft phones), and contact center agents having access to mobile client software. Additionally, the MX-ONE management software not only provides a central point of administration for telephony services, but also all associated mobility, unified communications, messaging and other software associated with it.”
Edin Hadzialic, Head of R&D Centre for MX-ONE at Aastra says, “We are delighted that the MX-ONE continues to receive such positive comments from the analyst community and that our recent enhancements to the product have resulted in an increased rating by Current Analysis.
“The Current Analysis report positions Aastra’s MX-ONE as an ideal migration path for existing Aastra clients and as a competitive offering for new customers looking for a comprehensive communications solution. The ‘very threatening’ rating confirms that we have a product which can really challenge the market, not only in terms of its competitive pricing but also as a complete UC solution through our Aastra BluStarTM Ecosystem.”
The recently launched version 5.0 added a new dimension to Aastra’s flexible and highly reliable MX-ONE communication server, providing businesses with an end-to-end multimedia UC solution, with video and mobility at its core – all aimed at helping organisations to reduce costs, enhance collaboration and improve efficiency. It marked a key milestone by Aastra in helping to transform organisations across the globe from having voice to multimedia communications across all devices.