The figures based on an audit conducted on the November 08 issues of Comms Business and its rival show that 55% more people (2475) registered for Comms Business in the past 12 months giving us the most current Channel circulation base! *
More good news is Comms Business distributed 12,195 copies in November, the highest since its first audit back in 2000.*
Publisher Miles Bossom said “I am delighted that with our circulation now over 12,000 copies every month despite market consolidation; we are continuing to provide the highest quality monthly magazine to more people than any other. We are also very pleased to be the only audited Channel title to have a zero percentage rate of duplication on our circulation, making us an even better bet for our advertisers who expect value for money". *
Bossom continued “More important than our total circulation perhaps is the fact that our audit confirms Comms Business is circulated to more dealers and resellers than any other ABC audited Channel title with a total of 6442 (52.8%) confirmed on our circulation. * As most of our advertisers are looking to recruit or update resellers on their latest products or services this is extremely important”.
“We were the first and only Channel title to conduct an ABC audit from our first ever issue and we have continually invested in our circulation for the past decade”.
To update your registration or to join the 12,000+ individuals already receiving Comms Business free of charge every month visit
* source ABC website Jan to December 2008
** comparing circulations for the November 2008 issues, source ABC website Jan to Dec 2008
Average net circulation 11,115, Jan to Dec 2008, source ABC website