AdEPT Telecom has announced its acquisition of 3,000 business customers from Bluebell Telecom Limited. This move comes after a a period of exceptional growth which has seen the AdEPT share price rise considerably over the last 18 months. Prior to this acquisition the company debt was well under one years’ EBITDA and CEO Ian Fishwick made it clear that AdEPT are now looking at acquisitions over the coming year.

Ian Fishwick, Chief Executive, AdEPT Telecom plc said, “The business customers acquired from Bluebell complement the AdEPT Telecom portfolio as they are all UK based fixed-line telecom business customers taking communications products including lines, calls, data connectivity, inbound-telephony and maintenance services. Management of the contracts will be transferred to AdEPT telecom’s office in Tunbridge Wells, Kent during August 2013.
The total consideration will be funded out of AdEPT Telecom’s existing bank facilities.”