Adept Telecom is looking back on a year of impressive growth which put them firmly at the top of the fastest risers in telecoms on the London Stock Exchange. Over 2015 calendar year the Adept share price rose over 100%.

Ian Fishwick, CEO of Adept, stated "We are delighted to announce that AdEPT Telecom plc was the fastest rising Telecom share price on the London Stock Exchange in 2015."
"We'd like to say a huge thank you to our investors for their support and also to everyone who has worked for us, or with us, to achieve the results that have underpinned this share price performance."
The information in the table below was sourced from Bloomberg on 1st January 2016. The % figures are the change in share price in 2015 calendar year.
1.+101.75% - AdEPT Telecom
2.+84.47% - Gamma
3.+35.83% - KCom
4.+26.56% = Manx Telecom
5.+20.23% - BT
6.+16.67% - Maintel