“There are very few customers big enough to have 300 ISDN30 channels. There are even fewer companies that want to migrate them all gradually to SIP trunks. AdEPT Telecom plc has won one of the largest SIP contracts ever placed in the UK, worth several hundred thousands of pounds. The customer is a nationwide electronics company.”
Fishwick says this is a ‘hybrid’ contract
“Over the next 3 years we will supply a combination of conventional line rental, CPS and SIP trunks with VoIP calls. This is where AdEPT Telecom is strong: large companies will not take the risk of transferring all of their conventional technology to VoIP in one go. Instead they will gradually put a toe in the water. Our ability to provide conventional (TDM) and VoIP technology makes us an ideal partner to handle a migration such as this.”
“The customer already has a large data network. This is the first contract whereby the customers’ network will be physically connected to BT Wholesale, at 2 data centre’s in London. This has involved AdEPT in designing a secure, carrier-grade, inter-connect solution as both parties have to be happy that their network is protected against fraud. This has involved AdEPT deploying carrier-grade Session Border Controllers for the first time.
The customer currently has a bespoke web portal for managing their cost centre reports and bespoke management reporting. These will now be upgraded to include SIP so that all of the customers line estate is on the same management systems regardless of whether it is conventional TDM technology or VoIP.”
Ian Fishwick, concluded,“There is now little doubt that AdEPT Telecom is a significant force in the VoIP for BUSINESS market. We’d like to thank BT Wholesale for working with us on the first ever inter-connect to their VoIP network. Our ability to handle both conventional calls and lines and SIP gives great comfort to larger customers embarking on a VoIP migration for the first time. Our ability to develop IT systems that fully integrate reporting of TDM and IP technologies is invaluable to larger customers.”