Mettoni, parent company of telecoms solution providers Datapulse and Arc, announced today that it has been selected as preferred vendor by communications integrator Affiniti for call and cost management solutions.
Affiniti chose Datapulse and Arc’s Call Management Service, which runs on both Nortel and Cisco networks, because the solutions will help Affiniti’s customers plan and manage their telephony networks and expenses.
Sally Fuller, Affiniti’s Lines of Business Director, said: “Datapulse and Arc were chosen because they were able to deliver powerful reporting capabilities, support fraud detection and cost recovery and will enable us to provide an Affiniti branded portal for customers to access reports. Thanks to the Datapulse and Arc platform, Affiniti can further enhance the delivery of value added services to its customers.”
“We are delighted that Affiniti has selected us as its preferred vendor of Call Management Services to its customers. Datapulse and Arc are now able to provide all of Affiniti’s customers, whether they are using Nortel or Cisco networks, with a flexible and feature-rich call and cost management solution, facilitating the seamless process between Affiniti and its customers”, says Iain McKenzie, CEO of Mettoni.
The Call Management Service delivers powerful reporting capabilities across all PBX types, detailing all expenses down to the site, department and cost centre level. The application also supports fraud detection and cost recovery, allowing employees to flag the calls that are private, including mobile calls.
The solution is available as both customer owned equipment and as a hosted solution where customers access an Affiniti branded portal, with a support line managed by Datapulse and Arc. Using this platform, Affiniti will build consultancy workshops around telecom expense management, fraud prevention and planning for convergence.