Affiniti is in strong support of the proposals that aim to regulate and monitor all companies performing predictive outbound dialling and believe the measures could be taken even further to ensure the future viability of outbound dialling in the UK.
Affiniti’s suggestions that were incorporated within the Kingston response included limits on preventing outbound dialling occurring during unsociable hours (since at present there are no rules to govern this). In addition the response suggested that predictive diallers should be registered with Ofcom, who in turn should consider a policy of auditing firms to ensure compliance.
Suzette Bouzane-Meadows, Head of Contact Centre Solutions at Affiniti, notes: “The current proposals by Ofcom will have a profound impact on the industry and contact centres. Many diallers will not comply and alterations will need to be made. For instance, answer machine detect technology is likely to become redundant as it will probably be impossible to adhere to the requirement to drop a call within 1 second if no agent is available. As a result, all contact centres will need to audit the capabilities of their current dialler to ensure compliance with the new Ofcom regulations.”
To help contact centres meet the new regulations, Affiniti has produced a Briefing Paper on Predictive Dialling compliance and can carry out an audit of their dialler to ensure compliance. To find out more visit Affiniti’s website at