Today, the majority of websites are not configured for optimal viewing when accessed by a mobile device, resulting in poor mobile usability. Mobile end users often experience a site that is difficult to navigate, lacking robust functionality that end users have come to expect when accessing the same site on a personal computer. As a result, many companies either support an entirely separate infrastructure for their mobile sites or chase away customers by presenting sub-optimal mobile web experiences.
By offering a new generation of mobile services, Akamai plans to extend the functionality of its global network by helping enterprises address the complexity of delivering Web sites and applications to a broad range of Internet-connected devices, starting with mobile phones. Combining Velocitude’s mobile content transformation technology with Akamai’s existing ability to optimize the performance of mobile delivery, Akamai is focused on helping enterprises effectively reach their customers, partners and employees on mobile phones in addition to personal computers.
With analysts predicting that the number of global internet mobile users will surpass global desktop internet users in the next five years, available market data is forecasting that mobile commerce is expected to grow to $24 billion by 2015. By adding Velocitude’s mobile platform to its product portfolio, Akamai plans to deliver content to today’s leading mobile phones without requiring the creation of separate Web sites or infrastructure dedicated to mobile content.
“To capitalise on the rapidly changing and growing demands of mobile
internet users, enterprises must overcome some specific challenges to ensure both a highly performing mobile site and a high quality end user experience,” said Paul Sagan, president and CEO of Akamai.
“We believe Velocitude has developed a powerful set of solutions to enable optimal mobile internet experiences across a multitude of different devices. By integrating Velocitude into our global network, we will be able to offer customers a way to leverage Akamai cloud-based services for mobile performance, as well as to translate websites into specific device-optimised experiences. Our goal is to offer the most capable mobile delivery solution available anywhere that combines the convenience of mobile while offering readability and fast response times.”